Thank you for thinking about joining Felines of Chicago team! We are in constant need of volunteers and fosters to help us save lives and make an impact on the surrounding community. Felines of Chicago has many volunteer opportunities within our organization and our rescue partners ranging from simple volunteer work like sharing on social media to more extensive volunteering like TNR and networking. No position is too small.
*Note* Our volunteer page is still under construction.
*Note* Our volunteer page is still under construction.
As a volunteer networker you will be communicating with fosters and rescues to help network cats out of open admission shelters and assist with matching fosters with rescues best suited for them. This is one of the most important volunteer positions at Felines of Chicago. Position requires a minimum of 10 hours per week commitment. Much of our networking is done on social media and e-mail. Training materials and mentor is provided.
HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE + RE-HOMING VOLUNTEER.Help families stay together or assisting in re-homing their cat
We would love families to stay together. Something we want to provide as an organization is education, materials, pet food pantry and additional assistance needed to these families. As a hardship assistance volunteer you council the family to find what best works for their situation. Should they need to re-home the pet, you will work as a volunteer to assist with re-homing them, providing the information required, helping locate a foster and rescue. Position requires a minimum of 5 hours a week.
Do you have TNR experience? Have you taken one of our TNR workshops? Do you want to bring TNR to your community? Help to put an end to cat over-population! Felines of Chicago is looking for new volunteers that can assist with TNR projects throughout the Chicagoland area. Volunteer position includes knowledge on TNR and cat behavior along with setting up traps responsibly and not leaving unattended, providing guidance on how to operate traps when needed, informing businesses and neighbors that you are trapping, taking cats to and from appointments, caring for the cat for the duration of the required time needed for care. *More info to come*
FosteringBecome a foster! This is literally the most important volunteer role in animal rescue. Pets need homes to decompress in and/or heal in before they find their forever home. |
Social Media ModeratorBecome a moderator of one of our many Facebook groups and assure that the group is running smoothly and respectfully. |
Assisting RescuesIf you can't foster or financially support. Donate your time. Rescues need volunteers too. Many of our rescue partners need assistance at their various adoption centers enriching cats, cleaning cages, talking to potential adopters. If you are interested, we can help match you with a rescue and tell you more about what that rescue is particularly looking for. |
Fundraising VolunteerWithin fundraising there comes many positions ranging from helping organize a fundraiser or event to volunteering at the event for various positions. In addition, we have peer-to-peer fundraising. *More info coming soon* |
Grant WritingFelines of Chicago is looking for a dedicated, organized, and proactive Grant Writer to help our mission grow. You’d be responsible for writing compelling grant proposals to different companies, foundations, trusts, and educational institutions. Additionally, you’ll be identifying grant proposal opportunities and collaborating with our development team. Our Grant Writer will be fundamental to developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders. Grant writing experience and excellent communication is required. |
Graphic DesignerWe are seeking volunteer graphic designers to help us create valuable documents, brochures, posters, social media posts, flyers and more for Felines of Chicago. These will be used to help educate fosters, rescues, and general public. Additionally, we will use some of the needed materials for our fundraising and education events. |
If you do not have a ton of extra time to volunteer or foster, we have easier ways you can help "volunteer" and support us.
SHAREShare our events, social media posts, urgent cats and other needs we may have. It is one of the easiest things you can do!
TRANSPORTERHelp us transport kitties from shelters to fosters, vets to adoption centers, between adoption centers, etc. This is on an as-needed basis.
PLEDGEPledge donations on shelter and rescue posts. This encourages rescues to pull cats when they are in need of rescue at shelters.
Educator + Mentor
We especially are looking for those who have experience with fostering and caring for: neonatal kittens, cats with acute injuries, cats with chronic medical issues such as diabetes, cardiac conditions, and cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), blind and deaf cats, behavioral and socialization needs, mothers with kits, ringworm cases, as well as FIV/FELV and panleukemia. Sharing your knowledge with our community directly impacts and improves live outcomes of our feline friends.
Team up with our new fosters and provide support and know-how! Some fosters have never had cats before while others are learning how to care for needs such as bottle feeding, wound care, or how to give injections such as insulin and sub q fluids. Other common mentee needs are for standard kitten care and development as well as the eventual foster introduction process to other resident cats. Becoming a mentor is a more personal, one-on-one volunteer role than being a community educator, however these roles can overlap if you desire to become involved with our workshops and educational videos.
*More info coming soon*
Team up with our new fosters and provide support and know-how! Some fosters have never had cats before while others are learning how to care for needs such as bottle feeding, wound care, or how to give injections such as insulin and sub q fluids. Other common mentee needs are for standard kitten care and development as well as the eventual foster introduction process to other resident cats. Becoming a mentor is a more personal, one-on-one volunteer role than being a community educator, however these roles can overlap if you desire to become involved with our workshops and educational videos.
*More info coming soon*